Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Is IMDbPY compatible with Python 3?

A: Yes. Versions after 6.0 are compatible with Python 3.x, but should also work with Python 2.7. If you need an older, unmaintained, version for Python, see the imdbpy-legacy branch in the repository.

Q: Importing the data using the ‘s3’ method, are the imdbID available?

A: Yes! The data from contains the original IDs.

Q: Importing the data using the old ‘sql’ method, are the imdbID available?

A: No. The old ‘sql’ method generates sequential imdbIDs that are unrelated to the ones used by the web site.

Q: I have an URL (of a movie, person or something else), how can I get a Movie/Person/… instance?

A: Import the imdb.helpers module and use the get_byURL function.

Q: I’m writing an interface based on IMDbPY and I have problems handling encoding, chars conversions, replacements of references and so on.

A: See the many functions in the imdb.helpers module.